For want of a nail, a shoe
was lost. For want of a shoe, a horse was lost," and so the story
goes, ending in the sad tale of a war being lost because a rider could
not deliver a message as of a result of the horse he was to ride having
a sore foot.
This scenario often can be related to
dairy cows with sore feet. Usually, when sore feet occur, animals do not
eat as much as normal because they do not eat as frequently as they
should. Quite often, they also suffer systemic Infections that can enter
the body through the feet.
As the dairy industry moves toward
confinement housing and large groups of animals, foot health will
continue to be an increasing health challenge. For this reason, I feel
early detection and treatment is important, but more critical is the
design of the facilities used to house milking animals. Concrete
surfaces must be designed so that they cause as little feet abrasion as
It often is difficult to explain to a
concrete contractor that the surface on which animals walk must be rough
hut not abrasive. Many of the people whom I have encountered in the
concrete business are not familiar with livestock, and, therefore, they
do not realize how soft and vulnerable the feet are to being ground away
as the animals move about.
When you talk with a contractor about
good traction for the animals. the contractor often thinks "broom
finish." This rough a surface probably is one of the most abrasive
and harmful finishes that can be used for animals.
Shouldn't be abrasive...
In working with contractors, I try
to explain that we want the surface to be Irregular but not abrasive.
Usually, this means forming grooves or some other irregularities In the
surface while the concrete is still "green" It is done when
the pour is so soft that the operators will wear rubber boots and walk
in the material at shoe top to ankle depth, forming the surface as they
go. As a rule,
once the concrete has hardened to the point that it will support
the weight of a man, any additional manipulation to the surface often
results In sharp points being formed that can be hazardous to the feet.
Bob's new housing barns had been
completed about three to four months previously. Cattle had been moved
in for about 60 days. The facility consisted of a center drive-through
feed lane with free stalls on either side. Manure was, removed by water
flushing periodically so the floors were kept clean at all times.
The first month in the new facility seemed to be a dream. Animals
adapted quickly, and milk production went up rather dramatically as a
result of increased dry matter intake. The old facility was primarily
outside corral housing. However,
after about the first month in the new facility, conditions began to
"go down hill." We began to see more and more lame cows and
foot problems. The situation had Increased to the point that, during my
last telephone conversation with Bob, he said, "Doe, we actually
have some cows whose feet are bleeding."
On my visit to the farm, I could see
bleeding, as well. It was so bad that you frequently could see small
patches of blood running down the surface of the concrete.
Examination of the floors in the cow
areas revealed that the surface had been left with a very rough broom
finish. Bob said, "Doe, we just didn't want them to be slipping and
falling, especially after the floors were flushed and still wet."
Grinding off feet...
As a result of the finish on the
floors, Bob was not having a problem with cows slipping down, but rather
the surface was so abrasive that It was literally grinding off the
bottom of the cows' feet.
As a result of this high incidence of
foot problems, feed Intake had gone down dramatically; as you would
expect, production followed.
In order to reduce the amounts of foot
wear, I suggested:
1. Reduce the abrasiveness of the
concrete surface by preparing a "gang" of concrete blocks
poured full with concrete and each with an "I-bolt" In the
concrete pour. These blocks were fastened together in gangs
approximately five blocks wide and four long. This assembly was pulled
behind a small tractor and dragged for many hours over the concrete
In other operations, we have
accomplished the same purpose using power buffers or grinders to wear
away the abrasiveness of the surface. Either of these methods has worked
much better than trying to drag large pieces of concrete as I have seen
2. Establish good footing. In Bob's
case, grooves had been formed in the concrete surface at the time It was
poured. Had this not been done, I would have suggested that they be
sawed into the surface at approximately four-inch intervals.
3. Following smoothing the concrete
surface with the blocks, for the next two to three weeks, manure was
removed from the cow areas by scraping rather than flushing. This action
helped reduce the abrasiveness and left a thin manure pad on the
4. The feet on all the animals were
examined to identify those with excessive wear. Whenever possible,
wooden blocks were glued to some of the feet to help reduce the
5. One small group of the most severely affected animals was put
together and the concrete covered with a thin layer of sawdust to reduce
wear on their feet.
Fortunately, Bob's problem was identified and corrected before it
reached major herd health proportions. I estimate that approximately 10
percent of his milking animals were affected to some extent, with only a
few animals to the point of dramatically dropping in milk production.
As a result of our experience in this
herd and several others with new facilities, I am convinced of the
importance of the proper finish on concrete for cows, especially if the
manure is to be flushed with water.
Again, I stress that the surface must be
rough in order to maintain good footing; however, it cannot be abrasive
to the point of causing excessive foot wear.